Osho Shaking Meditation

4 April 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

[Osho gave an individual meditation to a newly-arrived sannyasin…. ]

Osho – Start doing one meditation in the night before you go to sleep. Put off the light and just stand in the darkness. Then start shaking from the head, just the head. Enjoy the shaking and feel how it feels from inside, mm? Then shake the upper part of the body – the head, the hands, the torso; don’t shake the lower part.

When you feel and enjoy that, then shake the lower part. Then when you feel and enjoy that, shake the whole body. So in three parts: first the head, just the head, second the torso, third the whole body.

Start with the head because you can feel it more easily there in the beginning, because the consciousness is very close and witnessing is easier – and enjoy it. When you are shaking the whole body, just find which posture feels to be the most graceful, where you feel very very beautiful. After three minutes take that posture – any posture… hands raised, body leaning forwards or sideways, or whatsoever, and freeze in it for four minutes.

This is a ten-minute meditation: one minute shaking the head, two minutes shaking the torso, three minutes the whole body, and for four minutes just freeze as if you have become a statue. Go on feeling all the four steps. Shaking, you feel the energy stirred… then the whole body becomes a turmoil of energy, a cyclone. Feel it – as if you are just in a cyclone. And then freeze suddenly and remain like a statue – and then you will feel the centre. So you reach to the centre through the cyclone.

Do this every night, and after ten days come and tell me how you are feeling, mm? Much has to come up.


Source: ” Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle, Chapter 20 ” – Osho

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