Meditation is basically the process of witnessing: looking from your centre all that is happening. Many things are happening on the outside — the noise of the train far away; something is happening in you body — your knees are hurting — right? Your mind is churning many thoughts, that ‘What am I doing here?’ Your heart is feeling many emotions, you have waited for this moment for so long. There is joy in the heart, a certain ecstasy, a mood, a receptivity. All those things have to be watched very minutely.
Watching them opens your inner being. Just watching them opens your inner eye and that is the real eye; the outside eyes are of not much use. You are fortunate that you don’t have them. You are blessed! Blessed are the blind for they shall not be forced to see this ugly world! And it is really ugly — believe me!
And you can put your total energy for the inner eye. The outside eyes are wasting eighty percent of energy — it is the major part. Man has five senses, eighty per cent is taken away by the eyes and only twenty per cent is left for the other four senses. They are very poor people, those four. Eyes are very rich, they have monopolised the whole thing; hence it is good — eighty per cent energy is saved — and that can be immediately used for witnessing, for seeing your inner world. hence in the East we call a person who is blind ‘pragyanshakshu’ — this word is untranslatable.
It simply means one who has the inner eye: The outer eyes are not there but that is a great opportunity because eighty per cent of energy is available for the person and he can easily become a meditator, more easily then anybody else. It is a well-known fact that blind people have better ears than anybody else. They become beautiful musicians, good singers, for the simple reason, for their eighty per cent energy is diverted towards the ears. Ears are the closest to the eyes, so when the eyes are not using the energy the ears start using it. But that is again a misuse because ears will again take it outside.
It is better to use this available energy for your observation, inner observation. Just watch everything — and it is good because you have nothing much to do. You have not to go here and there and visit people and become a member of the Rotary Club. You are saved from so much nonsense that I felt really jealous of you! Enjoy it! And feel sorry for everybody else! They are poorer and you can become immensely rich. And the art of that richness is witnessing. Witnessing is another name for meditation.