“For instance, my telepathy” says Francesco

“That parapsychology course at the Osho Meditation University is fabulous!” says Swami Francesco. “My ESP talents are developing so fast!”
“That’s hard to believe,” states his friend, Swami Giovanni, “you’d better prove it.”
“For instance, my telepathy,” says Francesco. “You just point at any door, and I shall give you remarkable particulars about the person who answers.”
“Okay, THAT door,” points his friend. “Tell me what will happen.”

“Well,” meditates Francesco. “I feel that a man whose girlfriend is having her period will open the door….” “Hello, friends,” greets Swami Mariano, entering the room through the same door. “Does your girlfriend have her period?” asks Giovanni.
“Shit!” answers Mariano, wiping his mouth and chin. “Can you see it?”


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