”Dorothy, your boyfriend, Mulla Nasrudin, seems very bashful,” said Mama to her daughter.
”Bashful!” echoed the daughter, ”bashful is no name for it.”
”Why don’t you encourage him a little more? Some men have to be taught how to do their courting.He’s a good catch.”
”Encourage him!” said the daughter, ”he cannot take the most palpable hint. Why, only last night when I sat all alone on the sofa, he perched up in a chair as far away as he could get. I asked him if he didn’t think it strange that a man’s arm and a woman’s waist seemed always to be the same length, and what do you think he did?”
”Why, just what any sensible man would have done – tried it.”
”NO,” said the daughter. ”He asked me if i could find a piece of string so we could measure and see if it was so.”