Pope the Polack is very sick. Doctors come from all over the world to try and diagnose his illness, and finally a little Jewish psychiatrist finds the cause of the problem. He tells the pope, “Your holiness, because you have had nothing to do with women all your life, your hormones are unbalanced and there is only one possible cure. You must make love with a woman.”
“No, no!” cries Pope the Polack, “I can’t. All the vows I have taken… I just can’t!”
“But, your holiness,” replies the shrink, “you must or you will die, and this too is a mortal sin.”
The pope retires for a few days to consider his fate, and then calls the psychiatrist again.
“Okay,” says Pope the Polack, “I have reached my decision. I will do as you ask. But please, be sure that the girl has nice, big tits.”