bhagwan does not ask anyone to change in anyway

bhagwan does not ask anyone to change in anyway whatsoever
transformation is a different matter and a different plane altogether
change requires horizontal movement
learning more and getting more experience and gaining knowledge
makes one more knowledgeable
transformation requires vertical movement
unlearning and experiencing inner states
and drowning into knowing leads to awareness
change requires therapies and groups and information
transformation requires meditativeness and awareness
just living in this moment
moment to moment
is an experiencing of a high peaked state of relaxed awareness

you have forgotten the way you have forgotten a hidden whisdom within you and that is the greatest message all the buddhas have simply said one thing to you that you are already a buddha they are not lying to is not  a lie they are encouraging you that you are already a is your ultimate truth and keep not let that dream die that dream is giving you wings to fly when you see a living buddha something awakens in you a buddha is nothing but a mirror reflecting your ultimate glory

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