the answer cannot be given

that is the first thing one knows
that it cannot be said
the answer cannot be given
it is simply not possible
but you can dance… you can whirl
you can celebrate… you can rejoice
that is possible!
and something may transpire
something can happen… maybe…
dance… sing… celebrate…
it is not an achievement nor an attainment

like a can see the seed but you cannot see the tree the seed is sitting and dreaming that it is a tree and there are the fruits and there are the flowers... had the seed not known that is going to happen it would not have given birth to itself each human being is a seed carrying the dream present within it just have to wait and that longing and that thirst will create its reality the tree did not come out of nowhere it was present and hidden within the seed hence life is nothing but a deja vu if you live your life correctly plant the seed in the correct space give it the right nourishment give it the right love pay attention to the life within it and keep dreaming... that dream will never die... and one day you will say... aha...i already saw this a long time ago...

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