just search your simple innocence

just search your simple innocence and that is the mirror
not knowing… yet it knows all
it reflects all in its ultimate purity
unclouded… weightless…
that state is bliss
that state is ecstasy
that state is the state of nomind
it is so ordinarily simple…
when you get the taste of innocence
then life is a beautiful mystery
do not try to know your mystery
celebrate your innocence
everything is perfect

when you are ready the master appears... enlightenment is nothing compared to this experience... this darshan... this seeing of the master descending upon you is the greatest experience for any devotee there cannot be any greater experience... even after twenty some years... that experience is totally alive... when my tears started showering and that sudden laughter... tears of the mystic rose... seeing my master descend and bless me... it is always the greatest peek for the disciple

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