that is why in the east we never do psychoanalysis and therapies

we simply find a way to jump out

to take a leap into the beyond…energetically

to leap into the state of nominee and the mirror is perfectly

the higher you go the further and further away the clouds will be

and the pure state of witnessing…your mirror…has always been perfect

it is so simple

do not fight with clouds

do not deal with shadows

do not deal with illusion

that is why we do not pay attention to emotions thoughts and mind

because these are just your attachments

just switch on the light

bring in the light

to understand how to switch on the light

is not the same as dealing with the mind and emotions

they are simply ghosts walking in a dark room

bring the light and the shadows disappear

there is no shadow just the absence of light... it is like fighting with your shadow the shadow is simply darkness that has obstructed the light just move out of the way... and the light will dissolve this illusion of the shadow

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