everything collapses inwards

everything collapses inwards

the whole sky collapses inwards

the outer merges with the inner

and it is no more explosion

it is not that you are becoming enlighten

now…you are no more !

the walls have completely disappeared

and the last explosion is called an implosion

where the dewdrop has become the ocean

now the ocean has become the dewdrop

from the source draw the act through the heart  let is pass through and flow through your inner tips  let the source spread slowly slowly through your entire interiority   so this light can fill you inner being   and you become so filled with this silence   that slowly slowly it starts radiating outside you   there is no boundary to your inner being   the moment you know your inner  there is no more inner and no more outer  the inner and the outer melt and merge  and you can feel its radiation   hence I say...live meditatively  live each and every small act consciously   and in that small act of yours   the center will find its way to flow   be gentle with yourself   be open...