anywhere everywhere

anywhere everywhere !

anything anyhow !

just dance !

just dance with the breeze…with the stars

with the moon…with the sun…with the trees

it is si infectious !

dance with bamboos

with the trees in the rain

have you seen the mystics when they reach ?

they simply go into dance

they are not dancing anymore

they have gone into the dance and only the dance remains

the mind is just an identification with the body to drop the mind is to drop the body how can one drop the body…it has its reality only in death the body falls and the mind stops hence one cannot drop the mind…but one can create a witness body and mind is one…bodymind the bodymind consists of thoughts emotions and the identification with the body witness that you are not the thoughts witness that you are not the emotions witness that you are not the body witnessing is the golden key as the witness grows stronger and stronger the identification with thoughts and emotions and body slowly disappear witnessing is the golden key