this is the mistake of people in power

this is the mistake of people in power

they think power is the thought that they can obstruct somebody

they can…but they are creating a wall

nature does not like walls

you obstruct one…you obstruct another…you keep obstructing

you are creating a Great Wall of china

now to maintain the power of obstruction you need more power

then you need to keep guards at every point

and then you need more power to see that those guards behave

power is being distributed all over the world just to maintain the obstruction

real power does not create walls

it is so powerful

it says welcome everybody…I do not create walls

I have no energy because I am above it all

anybody who knows he has ultimate power is not afraid of anybody

what is the fear ?

my past life vipassana channels and pathways were open these vertical channels easily accessible by any living master hence gautam buddha had found me to be a suitable match as his vehicle