When I think `Who am I?’, the answer comes `I am not this mortal body

Question : When I think Who am I?', the answer comesI am not this mortal body but I am chaitanya, atma (consciousness, the Self ).’ And suddenly another Question arises, Why has atma come into maya [illusion]?' or in other words,Why has God created this world?’
Ramana Maharshi :  To enquire Who am I ?' really means trying to find out the source of the ego or theI’-thought. You are not to think of other thoughts, such as I am not this body'. Seeking the source ofI’ serves as a means of getting rid of all other thoughts. We should not give scope to other thoughts, such as you mention, but must keep the attention fixed on finding out the source of the I' - thought by asking, as each thought arises, to whom the thought arises. If the answer isI get the thought’ continue the enquiry by asking Who is this "I" and what is its source?